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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Holy Week Imagination

Setting a table of grace.

It is language, a phrase, that I came across recently. Not only did it catch my attention, it has continued to hold onto me.

Setting a table of grace.

What do you see as you imagine setting a table of grace? Radical welcome? Supreme hospitality? Gracious abundance? Unearned inclusion?

In the church year, today is known as Maundy Thursday. Maundy means command. But a command for what?

The two pillars of the Maundy Thursday celebration are foot-washing and celebrating the Eucharist ~ both enacted by Jesus.

The night before he would be betrayed and handed over to be crucified, Jesus took off his outer robe and set about washing the feet of his disciples. Afterwards he says to them ~ and to us ~ as I have loved and served you, you are called and sent to love and serve. And then, the Eucharist.

Among and for and with the very people who would betray, deny and abandon him, Jesus shared the bread and the wine, His body and blood. It was Jesus setting the ultimate table of grace. Radical! Supreme! Gracious! Unearned!

Friends, I pray for your Holy Week Imagination….to hear and see, to trust and believe that you are invited, you are included … furthermore, you are called to be a table of grace.

Pastor Leah 

Divine Silver Linings
A living and breathing faith


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