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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

How about you?

As I went through the checkout line in the grocery store, she greeted me with her usual smile and infectious laugh, and then the question ~ how are you today?

How often are we asked? How often do we ask others? Do we listen to the answer? Do we honestly answer the question when it comes to us?

Good… Fine…

Going through a very hard season, when I was anything but 'fine' I regularly answered 'well'. To me it seemed an honest non-answer.

Today, my response was 'excellent'. Hmmm.

There is someone I know who answers the 'how are you question' with the thoughtful and faithful response of 'blessed and grateful'. I appreciate his words at so many levels. Certainly, it is a testament to who he is and how he sees God at work in his life.

Good... Fine... Well... Excellent...

So friends, how about you? How are you today?

Pastor Leah

Why do we gather?
Voices in the wilderness of Lent


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