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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

How is it with your spirit?

Today I received an email suggesting that one of the most important conversation we can have with each other is: How is it with your spirit?

I'm pretty sure my own response to the question would be best likened to a multi-faceted diamond. It seems that it colors, changes, shifts, brightens or darkens throughout the day.

On my chilly and hazy walk this morning, I ended up following the scent-path of a skunk. For blocks I was bombarded with the unpleasant reminder of a critter who had preceded me. The stink around me activated my imagination.

Just as a skunk leaves a 'reminder' of their presence, so do we. So do I.

When I leave a room or a conversation or a meeting, what sort of memory do I leave behind? I certainly hope for a better outcome that Mr. Skunk.

'How is it with your spirit' is about authenticity; it is also about self-care. Until I am honest about how or where my spirit it, I am unable to do the necessary work that my spirit is begging for. And let's be honest, a cared-for spirit certainly will be a different fragrance than a battered one.

Friends, how is it with our spirit?

Pastor Leah 

Fruit of the vine
A tale spun by skinny legs


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