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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Looked up…

It was deep into dusk when the swifts began to gather and swirl in the sky. At first it just seemed like a bird convention and then they started their merry-go-round, which almost looked like a tornado funnel. Round and round…

Interesting thing, if you stare at something long enough, others begin to wonder; well, and then they begin to look as well.

At the ocean, and perhaps they ask you where the whales are. Up, at the sky, no one had to ask, the ritual was obvious for anyone who happened to look up.

It was quite the dance. The ritual. Round and round, until some of the flock veered off, making their dive into the chimney for the night. I am guessing there was a pecking order for who went first, and second, and so forth. Whenever there was no veering, I wondered who was missing or not paying attention, or not quite ready to settle in for the night.

It takes some time for thousands of swifts to properly file into a chimney for the evening but once I started to watch, I was spell-bound to the end. At least it seemed that everyone had been tucked in.

The dance of the swifts has left me thinking of two things…

First, living under the constraints of life-right-now, these sort of moments seem to me a bit more precious. Am I paying attention differently? Is my sense of gratitude somehow reset? Do I simply have more time to watch, see, enjoy?

Second, actions and attitudes do may a difference. Sometimes it feels like the work of one, simple and ordinary person doesn't matter much. But as others began to tilt their heads up to the bird-business, it was clear that others do notice our actions and attitudes. What do I point towards? When I meet someone, what might they be left with after I am gone?

It wasn't a big deal; those birds likely gather for their same ritual for weeks or months. And yet, watching was a delight.

Praying delight for each of you.

Pastor Leah 

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