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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Paying it forward

Not once, but twice last week, I made my normal order at a local Silverton business but as I reached for my cash, I was told that someone had already paid. In both cases, a generous person had come along and handed the business owner some amount of money to make purchases for folks they did not know, nor could those happy recipients thank the gifter personally. In a case like this, the best we can do is 'pay it forward' ~ you know, because we are blessed, we can pass along the blessing.

When it comes down to it, aren't we always 'paying something forward'? Not necessarily in helpful ways, mind you.

When I am snippy with someone, what have I passed along? Or when I am judgmental? Grumpy with other drivers? Unkind to my neighbor? Stingy? Mean? Rude?

Friends we are communicating some sort of message with each person we meet. What is it that you want to pass along? What will you be paying forward today?

Pastor Leah 

Not exactly


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