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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Calling my congregation?

The texts and calls to me began about 5:30 last night.

What is going on Pastor? Is this really you? Do you need help? Because each of them had received a text message, 'Hi {name inserted}, I hope you are staying safe? I need a favor from you. Please text me back as soon as you get this message. Thanks.' And my name {spelled correctly} was attached.

For the folks who did respond, they were asked to buy gift cards and then text that information back. It was a scam carried out with the hope that faithful people would respond in a tender way. And it worked.

While it was good to have contact with so many of you last night, it was also a bit overwhelming. In fact, by the time I managed to get my phone back on the charger, I was down to 1% remaining charge.

I know that some gift cards were bought. I don't know how many nor do I know if the police will be able to assist in the matter. Ugh!

Your responses to me {and my hacker} have been as varied as you are. One of you responded to the request with 'weird'. To the best of my knowledge, hacker felt no need to follow up.

Another of you socked the criminal with a great big 'shame on you!' Again, no response from hacker was reported to me.

And from others, including the folks who I know purchased gift cards, I have heard mercy.

Friends, I am sorry that you were put into this position; I am sorry that your willingness to love your neighbor was abused. I am NOT sorry for the love and care you have modeled to your pastor and to your community.

Praying that good emerges despite the dark intent.

Pastor Leah

Old dog, young dog
Why did the chicken cross the road?


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