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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Fuzzy or sharp?

The picture was shared with me. It is the string of barbed-wire-fence that dominates the shot, so much so that the background is out of focus. Not only is it a work of art, it sparks my blog-imagination…Fences are boundaries. Some are intended to keep things in, others are to keep things out.

I often get the opportunity to speak deeply with people about boundaries, the decisions we make {or fail to make} to keep ourselves safe, healthy, productive, contented, even happy.

As we watch people and relationships, we encounter folks who have no boundaries at all. Which means that they may allow others to run amuck in their space or, they may be transgressors; stepping on or over whoever gets in their way.

At the other end of the spectrum are souls that are so closed off, sealed up, that they refuse any sort of help or olive branch from even the most well-meaning sojourners.

As we manage good balance, we will do so with healthy boundaries. Boundaries that are life-giving and spirit-protecting {both of self and of neighbor}. Of course, that will look a bit different to each of us. I wonder that when we work that out, if the horizon will come into focus…

Pastor Leah 

From you…
Best friend indeed!

Comments 1

Guest - Melinda on Thursday, March 11 2021 13:54

I find this to be true with the patients that I treat. Some will openly share with you about their lives and you get to see them over time and develop a friendship but others are so closed off and protective that it can be difficult to treat them.

I look forward to that background coming into focus. 🥰

❤️❤️❤️ I find this to be true with the patients that I treat. Some will openly share with you about their lives and you get to see them over time and develop a friendship but others are so closed off and protective that it can be difficult to treat them. I look forward to that background coming into focus. 🥰
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