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Joy In The Wilderness

Musings and ponderings by Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler

Sunday thoughts on a Tuesday…

The center of Oregon, far from the highly populated regions, is riddled with 'ghost towns'. Many of these former relics are so far beyond their history that an uninformed passer-by may not even be able to discern where a town once stood.

There are other types of settlements that are also designated as 'ghost towns' but the second group are a mixed bunch ~ dilapidated buildings standing next to homes that are still being dwelt in, the falling-in or fallen-in alongside of modern housing, side-by-side but in utterly differing conditions.

Beyond age, it seems that what makes the difference between the tumble-down and the useable is the difference between attention or neglect. {Quite frankly, there is plenty of neglect in newer homes along the way as well.}

Neglect, lack of positive attention, eventually allows decay. Enough decay and there is full collapse.

Attention, with some care, and usually the results are vitality, habitability.

In my head, my ghost town analogy did a rather quick giddy-up to faith. Perhaps it is a hazard of my vocation…

We believe in a God who loves us, finds us, holds onto us, and desires that we receive the gifts intended for us. Yes, yes, yes.

We also believe that the same God ~ Father and Son and Spirit ~ desires us to respond. {That whole relationship piece!}

On Sunday we wrapped our spirits with the joy of John 3:16. Martin Luther said, that one verse was the Gospel {the Good News} in miniature. God loving. God saving. God's plan and God's work.

But John 3:16 has another aspect to it ~ our response. Believing in the Son, Jesus Christ. Believing, as in trusting. As in putting our hope in His life, death and resurrection. And even when doubts come along, putting one foot in front of the other, with our faith-eyes on the One who calls us beloved.

Neglect, lack of positive attention, eventually allows decay. Enough decay and there is full collapse.

Attention, with some care, and usually the results are vitality, habitability.

Praying Lenten blessings upon you,

Pastor Leah 

How strong are you feeling?
Totally affirming!


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